Expanded map with more regions! - There are numerous new regions present in this mod, expanding many areas such as Eriador, Enedwaith and lands east of the Celduin. Golden-trees in Lorien, the Brown Lands north of Mordor, the fertile ashen lands of Nurnen and the creepy Dead Marshes are just some of the new climate work present in this mod. Remade Climates! - The climates of Middle-earth have been re-imagined, with improved weather, new climates, realistic snow and diverse regions. Terrain textures have depth, the seas are smooth and detailed, forests are diverse and the rivers and shoreline is as smooth as ever. Improved Graphics! - The map has never looked so good. Prevent enemies crossing the Misty Mountains, holding the High Pass, or protecting the caverns of Moria. Prevent Mordor from crossing the Anduin by holding Cair Andros and Osgiliath, keeping the lands of the west safe. Strategic Chokepoints! - Hold down Isengard at the Gap of Rohan, securing the Fords of Isen and protecting Foldburg. Detail is abundant and the world is shaped like it should be. Increased Scale! - The increased size has been utilised to improve the scale of the map, allowing areas like the Gap of Rohan or the Gap of Osgiliath to be lore-accurate without compromising gameplay. Lore Accurate! - The geography of Middle-earth has never been so accurately represented in a game! From the shape of the world to the heights of mountains, from the trees in Lorien to the climate of Middle-earth, experience the world like it should be. Two maps are present, with the older one (1.3) utilised for the smaller Fellowship Campaign.
Hundreds of hours have been spent making sure this map works and looks like the world its based in.
100% Remade Map! - The map has been made from scratch, with a completely new heightmap based on the official map of Middle-earth. These ai_labels are 'dunland' and 'enedwaith'. For submods two extra AI's used in DaC are included in the descr_campaign_ai_db.xml file. The current map is available for use in other submods, as long as credit for the mod is clearly stated, and the mod has a thread here on the TWCenter. This means most submods will be incompatible without a patch/merge. This map is included in MOS (v1.5.1) and is not compatible with submods which modify climates, vegetation, the map (data/world folder) or add new scripts.